Sunset Soup

We seem to always have a lot of beets hanging out in our fridge. It’s my fault. I’m not a big fan of them. But the rest of my family LOVES them. Especially my husband. So when they show up in our weekly veg box week after week after week, I end up throwing them in the fridge and ignoring them until they reach a critical mass.

Now usually I end up making a vegan version of the chocolate beetroot cake. But we (sadly) can’t eat chocolate cake everyday, even though my little ones would probably be all for it.  So soup.

A few months ago I made something called “Sunshine Soup” (whose recipe seems to have disappeared, or else I’d link it) with golden beetroots and pumpkin. It was a HUGE hit, and Beans has been requesting it ever since.  We had a few golden beetroots hanging out in the fridge, but I also had a few red beetroots too, and no squash/pumpkin to speak of.   So I decided to invent “Sunset Soup”.


Sunset Soup

750 g beetroot

400g carrot

2 tbsp olive oil

salt to taste

6 cups vegetable broth

1 tsp dried basil

2 tbsp fresh parsley


Preheat oven to 425 F. Toss your roasting pan in there while it heats up. Peel and roughly chop your beetroots and carrots.  Toss them with olive oil and salt. Roast for an hour, checking on them every 15 minutes or so. My oven is particularly cold and takes a long time to bake/roast/cook anything, so yours may be done quicker.

Once done toss roasted veg into a large saucepan.  Cover with veg broth,  add the basil and parsley. Bring to a boil, and then turn heat down to a simmer. Simmer for 15minutes and then remove from heat. Use an immersion blender to puree and then serve.